Friday, January 6, 2012

Oh Edward!

I finally got started on my Opposite Pole Sweater. I order the yarn a long time ago and it's been sitting here at the store taunting me. I printed the pattern and left it lying on the counter so I would see it constantly as a reminder of what was to come. I forced myself to finish several UFO's (UnFinished Objects), because the number of WIP's (Works in Progress) was getting marginally ridiculous (one of the dangers of being a yarn store owner...). So I finished many things and started and finished many more-Christmas presents mostly. About 5 days ago I cast on the back and started knitting along merrily-a total lie, I had to cast on multiple times and rip back a bunch because while there are no errors in the pattern, it's a little convoluted at times.
It's not really a complicated pattern-although it's definitely not easy, but it does take some concentration. OK, lots of concentration through certain parts of it. Like the part where you are knitting 2 separate charts while knitting garter stitch wedges while attaching it to the back piece.
I really like the construction and I was checking out Joji Locatelli's other designs, I think I like them all! They're fresh and interesting but totally knittable!
So, because I apparently only finished simple projects-all I have left are projects that require a certain amount of concentration that is nearly impossible to give in public, or when Wee Patrick is feeling particularly feisty.
I grabbed Knitting Socks with Handpainted Yarn by Carol Sulcoski with the best intentions, I figured I would knit the socks that Barb Brown contributed to the book since they are fantastic socks, Barb is a cool person, and I have seen the actual sock from the book...on Barb's the store...
But then I saw these.

As Stephanie Meyer so ineptly put it-I fell hopelessly, and irrevocably in love.

I LOVE handpainted and hand dyed yarns, but I am really particular about what patterns I use them for. Variegated yarns just don't translate into every pattern well. I have learned that just because you love the yarn, the colour and the pattern, doesn't mean that by combining them you will end up with an attractive pattern. If I am knitting something out of my head-like a quick scarf, cowl, hat, etc-and I choose to use a variegated yarn, invariably I choose moss stitch because it breaks up the colours in a pleasing manner. So imagine a whole book of such yarny knitterly genius!

I'll put Barb Brown's Rib Fantastic Socks on the back burner and hope that she forgives me for being so fickle.

And yes, those are Signature Needle Arts DPN's. Mumsy gave them to me for Christmas!