In continuing with my Dream in Colour obsession (and my obstinate insistence on using the Canadian spelling for a proper noun) I am now knitting the Farinelli gloves by Ysolda Teague. Ysolda is one of my favourite designers. I am knitting a shorter verison of the gloves and I am going to make them "fingerless"-but rather than make them like "fingerless mittens" (aka handless mitts) I am going to make them like hobo gloves with the tips of the fingers bare. I can't stand wearing full gloves or mittens so I figured I should make something I would actually wear. I have never knit gloves before so I am looking forward to learning (and possibly swearing).
I started these this morning and have finished the arm already!
I couldn't do this post with out adding this pic of Tiny with Fingers (Tiny is the person, fingers is the cat)
I too hate how spell check always tells me the colour is spelled wrong.
Magic word today: Maries
A large group of women names Marie? Or a cake like snack similar to Twinkies.
OOh! Cake-like snack!!!
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