First imagine a photo of us at the Cowichan Fleece and Fibre Expo and tonnes of people shopping and buying our yarns and us almost selling out of everything and me with an annoyed look on my face because I forgot to bring my camera but happy because we sold so much.
I finished Tiny's sweater! It looks really good and is really warm, and is really scratchy!
Patrick styled his own hair with boogers.
Patrick and I went to Saltspring for Mom's birthday.
Tiny and Mackenzie carved a most excellent pumpkin/s
Tiny and I went out for Hallowe'en and saw Larry who we don't get to see to often. He seemed to be doing really well even if he was rather irreverently dressed as a 6'7" Jesus with a sock belt. I paid him $5 to sing "Knocking on Heaven's Door."
We got home from our fun evening out to find that our babysitter had her sleeve stuck in her braces.
9 days ago Patrick learned to crawl (he went from 0 to across the room in about 2.2 seconds), 5 days ago he learned to pull himself up and stand, yesterday he learned to let go and stand on his own. ...I'm not ready for this...
Our business bought a Pat Green Carder with roving attachment. This is a huge deal! Onward and upward I say!!!
The people we bought the carder from had kittens. After seeing them I couldn't resist and took one home. He is a Himalayan X and a polydactyl!! (To be honest, if he hadn't been a polydactyl we probably wouldn't have taken him home). His name is Ozymandias and 24 hours in our house he is right at home.
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