Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Precious...

Holy mother I have been frightfully neglecting my blog!! I have been too busy actually knitting and spinning to write about it! I have also been going to karaoke 3-4 nights a week...I don't care if that makes me sound like a loser, I am just preparing for when I become famous and do a world tour-I won't get burnt out because I will have had my multiple karaoke night warm up!
I've got a horrible case of startitis right now! I have started multiple projects but can't seem to finish any! Some of them I drop because I realize they aren't working (I am a process knitter so actual patterns are rare for me...that means I get halfway projects and realize they are way to big/small/ugly) other times I get distracted by new shiny things. So I am putting myself on house arrest and not starting anything else until I get everything finished...OK everything that isn't going to turn into crap-everything that is going to turn into crap I HAVE to frog.
It's all for the reward knitting...I really want to knit a fabulous project but I am not allowed to until I finish what I have way that will make this work is that I don't have the pattern for can't be bought online. My friend has it and has strict instructions not to give it to me. Not even if I show up in the middle of the night dishevelled and weeping staring at her from sunken eye sockets..."...please...I just want to knit a swatch...that's all I want...just a little bit so I can get gauge...I am not going to start it...I am going to knit a swatch and then stop...sob...just a little biiitt..." There's a picture of it here. I am going to do it in red...
So right now I am knitting like a crazy mofo-because all I want to do is knit the cropped hoodie...I have the yarn and needles sitting together just waiting to be knit...I keep pulling them out to look at them and talk to them...
So gotta go and knit...not time for blog...must finish knitting so I can knit something else!

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